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Celeste Seitz

Celeste Seitz Fine Art

IG: @celeste_seitz_artist

FB: Celeste Seitz

Calligraphy, Pop Art

McKinney Art Gallery (Map #15)

If a Calligraphy Sensei and a Punk Rock Graffiti Artist had a baby, my art would be that baby. I’m forever bridging the gap between my love for East Asian Calligraphy, and my love for street art/ pop art. I am a dichotomy, and my work reflects that. My stylized Japanese sumi art uses minimal color and stroke to evoke maximum emotion. A lover of puzzles and punchlines, my assemblages sculpture employs double entendre. My street art is both playful and pensive. A multidisciplinary artist, I create Calligraphy, Street Art, Sculpture, Mural, and Photography.

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